Technical Consultancy
If your organisation needs an expert in a technical area of humanitarian action: contact us
La Cooperativa Humanitaria provides advise to all types of humanitarian organisations on management and technical aspects in order to assess and analyse internal procedures, propose alternatives to identified improvement points, or design and implement internal training and dissemination activities.
In line with our mission, we aim to contribute to improving the quality and increasing the response capacity to humanitarian crises for organisations in the field. Our knowledge and solid experience enable us to offer quality technical consultancy services on different subjects and in different intervention contexts and settings.
If you need technical consultancy in the field of humanitarian action or international cooperation, fill in the contact form or e-mail us to:
We have worked with:
Médicos sin Fronteras, Acción contra el Hambre, MPDL, Entreculturas, CARE International, IWGIA, FIIAPP, ACCD, Fundació Nous Cims, IECAH, WHO, Médicos del Mundo, Solvoz, SOS Child Protection, UNICEF, AECID.